Thursday, August 30, 2012

31.8. ShakeIN' - ob 21.00 Predstavitev, Slasten zalogaj/ Presentation, The very delicious piece, Cristina Planas Leitao in/ and Jasmina Križaj, Vodni stolp

I was shaking with Jasmina and Cristina a while ago. We were sharing residencies in Poznan and Barcelona. I was shaking with Jasmina also in Maribor. 
After, I was shaking many times on my own in some studio, or in my living room. I became a little addicted. 

We had this task every morning - shaking the body (how ever, by jumping, moving, shaking parts), just had to shake the whole body for 1 hour. We were using different types of music...many times percussions (african, asian, oriental...), also jazz music etc.
it was really really wonder-full....
At some point you just start dancing...there is no division between shaking, vibrating, jumping and dancing you dance you shake and vice

The rhythm and movement, both together forming this powerful unity of expression of the most vital, of the most alive of alive in us. It felt like this is what alive move and while moving you at the same time celebrate the anticipation of every next moment and the moment you are in right celebrate it by moving, you move in order to move. While moving you feel the life force...expressed, released through moving...freeze is withholding. Not moving is death.

With every movement (from huge jumping, running, dancing), with every step, stomp to the ground, push from the gravity you feel the life force with which we escape the death. Yes, I could feel that in every second of a shake there is this space which is simultaneously escaping the death and celebrating the life.

I would feel how through music, its rhythm...our dance becomes also a part of the whole...of all the history...of all the stories captured within that rhythm. Because this is what rhythm is, is stories, feelings, is an emotional audio DNA of our ancestors, now becoming a part of us.

We become connected to all of them that already danced to that music, to that rhythm....Shaking I would feel that when we dance, it stretches beyond is a part of the past, present and is dancing for all those who can not anymore...and for all those that will come and pick up our dance when we will not anymore...
It is a passing of a torch of eternal survival, of life, of vitality, and at the same time experiencing all that in one's body.

And inside of it, inside each movement there is all energies, essence of breath, of joy, of aggression, of pleasure, of sex, of devotion, of silliness, of madness, of love, of erotic, of sensual, of surrender, of attack, of giving birth, of getting born, of devouring, of possessing, of loosing, of animalistic, of fucking, of spiritual, of working, of marching, of transcending, of starring into the eyes of the possibility of death and stomping into life.....

(Anja Bornšek.)

P.S. 31.8. ob 21.00 Predstavitev, Slasten zalogaj/ Presentation, The very delicious piece, Cristina Planas Leitao in/ and Jasmina Križaj, Vodni stolp

31.8. Samo.hoja - nadaljevanje ta petek 31.8. ob 18.00 Refleksija/ Reflexion Tina Valentan in/and Luka Martin Škof, Paviljon v parku

Ko sem prejšnji petek, 24.8. stopala po asfaltnih kockah Grajskega trga, sem razmišljala o času, o takem, v katerem prebivata Luka in Tina. Čas in telo v času. Ko korak postane celo vesolje. Minute so minevale, jaz pa sem prestavljala nogo pred nogo. V najpočasnejšem možnem časovnem razmahu. Za večino sem bila pri miru. To večino sem pozabila. Kar pozabljala sem, marsikaj. In marsikaj nepozabljenega je vzniknilo iz povsod. In čez čas, so stvari polzele narazen. Zvok od slike, teža od telesa, pogovori od prostora. Koliko enosti vidimo, ko smo v "vsakodnevnem" času. In ta enost, ki se kaže kot enost, je v resnici razmerje med tolikimi delci, ki so v nenehni interakciji. Življenje je skozi formo, ampak forma je le manifestacija mnogoterih povezav, ki se razpenjajo in vpenjajo skozi prostor in čas.
In ko telo nekako tako ustavljaš, ugotoviš, da smo velikokrat prehitri, da bi bili zmožni stvari zares občutiti. Da bi bili zmožni zaznavati povezave in ne le to, kar pač na hitro povežemo skupaj v to enost, ki je v resnici sploh ne razumemo.
Kolikokrat se dejansko vprašamo kako čuječi smo v nekem trenutku?
Percepcija je ključ do trenutka. Kako to, da je ne vadimo bolj zavestno...bolje..z več strasti..?

In ko sem končala in se obrnila po trgu navzdol, sta hodila samo še dva. Čisto blizu en drugega, z istim korakom. Ostal mi je ta močan občutek telesnosti, čeprav je bilo na tistem trgu takrat polno glav, rok in nog. Ta dva, pa sta v tistem trenutku, skozi čas ki sta ga raztegovala, odpirala tisto živo telesnost, kjer skozi vsak del telesa zaznavaš tok. Tok, ki združuje neznano, odločitev, kompromis in prisotnost. Telo ki se odkriva, skozi gravitacijo in zavest. Telo, ki razkriva.

(Anja Bornšek.)

P.S. ....nadaljevanje ta petek 31.8. ob 18.00 - Refleksija/ Reflexion Tina Valentan in/and Luka Martin Škof, Paviljon v parku

31.8. Parkour 3 !!!! Petek / Friday 31.8.2012

18.00 Refleksija/ Reflexion Tina Valentan in/and Luka Martin Škof, Paviljon v parku

19.30 Predstavitev/ Presentation Mala Kline, Plesna izba Maribor

21.00 Predstavitev, Slasten zalogaj/ Presentation, The very delicious piece, Cristina Planas Leitao in/ and Jasmina Križaj, Vodni stolp

23.00 Zabava/ Party Coraline Lamaison and Guillaume Marie, Kino Udarnik (po filmu/ after the movie)

*Posamezni parkouri so večurni dogodki, ki se dogajajo v določenem zaporedju na festivalskih lokacijah. / *Individual parkours are separate, several hours long events taking place in a specific order at the festival's locations.